Tuesday, 3 November 2009

3rd November, check in

So, how did you do?

Was it a good few days or aren't we talking about it?

Next check in is: 8th November!


  1. We're all very quiet, aren't we?

    I've got 2263 words so far. Hoping to get some more this evening if the dreaded lurgy doesn't fell me again.

  2. Yes, it is quiet! I'm on 2089 - short and snappy :)

  3. I'm up to 2619 because I'm a bad girl and didn't write a word yesterday. :( Will make up for it some more tomorrow.

  4. Ack - sorry, was all off in la-la land about some news and I forgot to check in: I'm on 4459 but that's only cos I have no life and spent most of Sunday writing.

  5. I feel like the biggest slacker of them all - 1,162 words-- but I also haven't written anything for today yet. I have BIG PLANS to go out to starbucks or panera and write for a couple hours w/o feline and chore distractions.

    I'll make the spreadsheet with everyone's numbers on it tomorrow to give everyone a chance to get in (and me a chance to get my WC up to something decent)

  6. I missed this yesterday, but as of the 4th I'm at 3,253 words. (Was at about 1,900 on the 3rd, got derailed by a family visit)

  7. Hm... I have this "behind the times" feeling as its almost 9pm here and the time stamp on this blog is after midnight. However, my Word Count for the 3rd is 1029 words for today bringing my total count to 2191.

    Now off to graph this all out :)

  8. Oh oh, I think I should just slink off into the shadows. I have transcribed a total of 307 words from scribbled notes to actual manuscript. I keep telling myself I'll get better once I have an actual table to sit at and I'm not desperattely trying to build a bed...

  9. So between the 6 of us, we have written 15,521 words so far this month (which is about 860 words per day per person).

    The graph looks pretty boring with the numbers just going from 0 up to whatever was posted today, but I thought I'd at least pass on the total and our daily average :-D

  10. Its okay Tina-you're moving. I think you have a grand excuse. I've added you to the spreadsheet now.

    Out Grand WC Total is: 15,828 now :)

  11. Don't worry Tina, I actually write on my bed so I'd have done nothing if I had to put the bed up too!!

  12. Procrastination techniques tried so far:

    Got Swine Flu (not recommended)
    Sick child at home
    Hubs working from home to take care of us
    Made a book trailer
    Received novella edits
    Watching late night tv

    Things that have helped:

    Bum in chair, fingers on keyboard
    Being home from work with Swine Flu (silver lining)
    Writing chat rooms
    Support of friends
    Not stressing, secure in knowlege I can make it up later and the world won't end if I don't.

    I think everyone's doing brilliantly. :)

  13. Can't talk (or sleep or anything)! Writing! ;-p

    5801 words and about 300 more to come out tonight. (6th)

    On target for 30k.

  14. Update at 23:15 (and out of words for now) on Friday 6th:

  15. Natalief, just so you know, for the tracking purposes, i went with the 5801 and pretended that it was the closest to the 3rd
